By: ReaganVFilms Tech/4CP on Shadow Royale Gaming
UPDATED 1/23/2021
Hypixel has this feature called "private games" and is only available if you or a friend has MVP++ bought from the Hypixel store. However, you could create a Minecraft server on 1.16.4 (or the latest version) using Paper or Spigot and play with your relatives locally for free and go through the process of the effort at how Hypixel (almost) at how they setup the games for Java players to play on!
Subscribe to Shadow Royale Gaming on YouTube to get more updated Minecraft Server Plugin videos and Minecraft gameplay! Please DO NOT CONTACT ME FOR HELP PLEASE, I am busy and don't know how to fix all of these plugins please go to the discord link of this plugin linked in references for help, and please do not comment on my videos for help, please go straight to the discord for the plugins. PLEASE ONLY CONTACT ME THROUGH EMAIL FOR LEGIT BUSINESS PURPOSES.
How Does Hypixel Get Their Plugins?
Believe it or not, Hypixel actually has a coding team who code's every single game they had set up especially during the prototype times back in 2016. Now however thanks to Screaming Sandals they had made their own 2 plugins so we can replicate Hypixel without all of these issues! I will cover how you can customize your store in a future video when I have time.
If you don't mind mate, please ask your parents before doing this, you will need to install the updated JAVA 11 JDK if you are running your server only on your laptop or computer via Paper or Spigot.FYI you will need to create an oracle account if you select the first link below, please use the second link since you'll not be required to have an account.
Now as you know if you already own a Paper or Spigot server or a Minecraft server hosting add these two plugins into your plugin server AFTER INSTALLING JAVA 11 and start up the server again.
However, if you own a Minecraft hosting such as MCProHosting [Affiliate link] then please contact their support or look for a Minecraft server hosting that accepts Java 11, contact them to see if you can update to Java 11 and let your server run on Java 11.
Why Java 11 JDK, well that's what you need in order to let the plugins work if you don't install this version of Java/JDK then the plugin(s) may not work correctly and cause an issue.
Install Java 11 JDK through Oracle:
Install Java 11 JDK through AdoptOpenJDK [USE THIS, RECOMMENDED]:
Install the Screaming Bedwars [SB] server plugin [JAVA 11 REQUIRED]:
Install the SBAHypixelify [SBA] server add-on plugin [JAVA 11 REQUIRED]:
If you need help please join the Screaming Sandals Discord:
Store Configeration & Customization
I hope to be covering this in a future video; but at they have on this link a {link} towards the Bed Wars Configuration to set it up like bedwars which I hope to cover in a future video so please be patient I got things to do in life too.
You can check this out and get help on the SB/Screaming Sandals Discord on their #custom-setups chat channel.
FYI: Use your up and down arrow keys for quicker times inserting commands for Java setup.
Setting Up Arena & Lobby {1} ;
/bw admin <ArenaName> Add
/bw admin <Arena> Lobby
/bw addholo ; /bw removeholo
Add Holograms /\\
Setup your Arena Positions (Squared) {2} ;
/bw admin <Arena> Pos1
/bw admin <Arena> Pos2
Setup Your Spectator area {3} ;
Setup Barrier Block
Worldedit (NOT REQUIRED):
<Select Spot between pos 1 & 2>
/up 1
//wand (Right & Left click glass block)
//set barrier
Now setup the spectator spot
/bw admin <Arena> Spec
Create Teams for your Arena {4} ;
/bw admin <Arena> team add <Color or Name> <color> <Max#OnTeam>
Red (Ketchup) = Red
Blue = Blue
Light Blue (Aqua) = Light_Blue
Purple = Purple
Pink = Pink
Grey/Gray = Gray
Yellow = Yellow
Maximum Numbers On Team Options: 1, 2, 4, and 8.
Set The Beds for Each Team {5} ;
/bw admin <Arena> team bed <Color/TeamName>
Set The Spawns for Each Team {6} ;
/bw admin <Arena> team spawn <Color/TeamName>
Let's First Add the Iron & Gold Gen to EACH TEAM! {7} ;
Do /Plugins to verify you have SBAHypixelify working.
Now it's time to set your spawners with SBA!
/bw admin <Arena> spawner add Iron
/bw admin <Arena> spawner add Gold
Do 2 of these commands to EACH team!
Information Given: 1/23/2021
Use the command to link to a team for their Iron/Gold Gen.
/bw admin <Arena> spawner add iron false 1 null <Color> -1
/bw admin <Arena> spawner add gold false 1 null <Color> -1
Add in the Diamond Gen! {8} ;
/bw admin <Arena> spawner add Diamond
Do this command to EACH Diamond Gen location!
Add in the Emerald Gen! {9} ;
/bw admin <Arena> spawner add Emerald
Do this command to EACH Emerald Gen location!
Add in the Storekeepers {10} ;
/bw admin <Arena> store add Store shop.yml false
Add in the Team Upgrade Storekeepers {11} ;
/bw admin <Arena> store add TeamUpgrades upgradeShop.yml false
After adding team uogrades to all of the teams let's test it out!
Now do /bw admin <Arena> Save
after doing this command you had saved your work, nice!
Save Your Arena! {11A} ;
/bw admin <Arena> Save
Format your Signs So YOU can test it out! {12} ;
After inserting the short coding onto the sign, the sign will then autofill.
Still Need Help, Did you watch the video or check the resources below? ; For Bedwars Related Help please go to the Screaming Sandals Discord!
Subscribe to Shadow Royale Gaming on YouTube to get more updated Minecraft Server Plugin videos and Minecraft gameplay! Please DO NOT CONTACT ME FOR HELP PLEASE, I am busy and don't know how to fix all of these plugins please go to the discord link of this plugin linked in references for help, and please do not comment on my videos for help, please go straight to the discord for the plugins. PLEASE ONLY CONTACT ME THROUGH EMAIL FOR LEGIT BUSINESS PURPOSES.
All Commands
Screaming Bedwars:
Player commands (no permissions needed):
/bw join <arena> - Join to arena
/bw leave - Leave from arena
/bw list - List of active games
/bw stats - Show your statistics
/bw rejoin - Join again to latest game you played
/bw autojoin - Join to first waiting game
Needed Admin permission or
/bw stats [player] - Show statistics of player
Admin commands (needed permission:
/bw reload - Reloads plugin
/bw mainlobby [enable|set] - Enables main lobby or sets main lobby location
/bw addholo - Adds hologram to player's location
/bw removeholo - After executing this command, the player can right-click the holographic statistic to remove it.
/bw admin <arena> info [section] - Show you all information about arena
/bw admin <arena> add - Create new arena
/bw admin <arena> lobby - Sets lobby position to your position
/bw admin <arena> spec - Sets specatator's position to your position
/bw admin <arena> pos1 - Sets the extreme point of the arena to your position
/bw admin <arena> pos2 - Sets the second extreme point of the arena to your position
/bw admin <arena> pausecountdown <seconds> - Sets the pause duration before game starts
/bw admin <arena> minplayers <minimum> - Sets minimum of players needed to start the game
/bw admin <arena> time <seconds> - Sets the game duration
/bw admin <arena> team add <team> <color> <max players> - Add team to game
/bw admin <arena> team color <team> <color> - Change team color
/bw admin <arena> team maxplayers <team> <max players> - Change max team players
/bw admin <arena> team spawn <team> - Sets team spawn to your position
/bw admin <arena> team bed <team> - Sets team bed to your target position
/bw admin <arena> jointeam <team> - Sets the ability to connect to a team using an entity
/bw admin <arena> spawner add <bronze|gold|iron> [enable hologram] [starting level - default: 1] [custom name] [[team name] [max spawned resources] or just [max spawned resources] without team name] - Add item spawner to your position
/bw admin <Arena> spawner add iron false 1 null <Color> -1 - Link item spawner to a team
/bw admin <Arena> spawner add gold false 1 null <Color> -1 - Link item spawner to a team
/bw admin <arena> spawner reset - Remove all spawners
/bw admin <arena> store add [name of villager entity] [file with shop] [use main shop] - Add trading villager to your position
/bw admin <arena> store remove - Remove trading villager from your position
/bw admin <arena> store type <living entity> - Sets entity type of store (Villager, Horse, Cow, Pig etc.)
/bw admin <arena> config <constant> <value> - Sets value of constant variable for game
/bw admin <arena> arenatime <type> - Sets time in arena (DAY, NIGHT, etc.)
/bw admin <arena> arenaweather <type> - Sets weather in arena (default, CLEAN, DOWNFALL)
/bw admin <arena> remove - Remove the arena
/bw admin <arena> edit - Turns the game off and switches the arena to edit mode
/bw admin <arena> save - Saves the game and activates it!
- Add this command to get the teamupgrades store working
/bw admin (mapname) store add TeamUpgrades upgradeShop.yml false
- Add this command to get the normal store working
/bw admin (mapname) store add Store shop.yml false
---- SBAHypixelify (If you want to set a lobby like hypixel, for all games) ----
To use games inventory GUI the following commands you need to add to the npc. Make sure you edit the player-size properly on the bwa.config.yml (Present in SBAHypixelify directory) for it to work properly
Note: You must have an npc created and selected to do these commands
- /npc2 cmd add -p bwaddon gamesinv solo
- /npc2 cmd add -p bwaddon gamesinv double
- /npc2 cmd add -p bwaddon gamesinv triple
- /npc2 cmd add -p bwaddon gamesinv squad
----- SBAHypixelify -----
If you already have created a map before, reset the spawners by doing /bw admin (mapname) spawner reset then add in the following resources -> iron, gold, diamond, emerald spawners.
/bw admin (mapname) spawner add iron
/bw admin (mapname) spawner add gold
/bw admin (mapname) spawner add diamond
/bw admin (mapname) spawner add emerald
Make sure you have 2 shop entities, namely Store and UpgradeShop. To add these entities in game you need to do the following commands
/bw admin (mapname) store add Store shop.yml false
/bw admin (mapname) store add TeamUpgrades upgradeShop.yml false
Still Need Help, Did you watch the video or check the resources below?